Benefit From More Than 100 Years
Of Combined Legal Experience

Guiding You Through The Divorce Process

The prospect of going through a divorce can feel overwhelming. However, the attorneys at the law firm of Durante, Bock & Tota, PLLC, are here to help guide you through this process. We will work hard to help protect your important interests while working toward a successful resolution. To schedule a consultation at our offices in Yorktown Heights, call us at 914-245-6060.

We Can Help Resolve All Divorce-Related Issues

With more than 100 years of combined legal experience, our lawyers can help reach an agreement on all issues related to divorce proceedings, including:

We can help shoulder your legal burden so that you can focus on starting a new chapter in your life.

We Handle Both Contested And Uncontested Divorce Matters

When a couple is able to agree on most, if not all, terms of the divorce, it is considered to be uncontested and may typically be resolved rather quickly. When there are points of contention, a divorce is considered to be contested, and it will be necessary to negotiate the terms of the divorce agreement.

If a divorcing couple still has open lines of communication, it may be possible to reach an agreement through mediation or collaborative law. These are alternative methods of dispute resolution that are often less expensive and less stressful than traditional forms of litigation. If a couple is at an impasse or all lines of communication have broken down, the terms of the divorce will likely have to be decided in court. We can help you determine the option that is right for you.

Contact Our Family Law Attorneys In New York

We recognize that each of our attorneys has his or her own strengths, which is why we take a collaborative approach to ensuring that our clients receive comprehensive representation. Call us at 914-245-6060 or contact us online to schedule an initial consultation.

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